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Sorption behavior of selenide on montmorillonite

杉浦 佑樹; 戸村 努*; 石寺 孝充; 土井 玲祐; Francisco, P. C. M.; 塩飽 秀啓; 小林 徹; 松村 大樹; 高橋 嘉夫*; 舘 幸男

Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 324(2), p.615 - 622, 2020/05

 被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:43.68(Chemistry, Analytical)

Batch sorption experiments were performed to investigate the sorption mechanism of Se on montmorillonite under reducing conditions in deep geological environments. Based on Eh-pH diagrams and ultraviolet-visible spectra, Se was dissolved as selenide (Se(-II)) anions under the experimental conditions. The distribution coefficients ($$K_{rm d}$$; m$$^{3}$$ kg$$^{-1}$$) of Se(-II) indicated ionic strength independence and slight pH dependence. The $$K_{rm d}$$ values of Se(-II) were higher than those of Se(IV), which also exists as an anionic species. X-ray absorption near edge spectroscopy showed that the oxidation state of Se-sorbed on montmorillonite was zero even though selenide remained in the solution. These results suggest that Se(-II) was oxidized and precipitated on the montmorillonite surface. Therefore, it is implied that a redox reaction on the montmorillonite surface contributed to high $$K_{rm d}$$ values for Se(-II).


Speciation of uranium in aqueous solutions and in precipitates by photoacoustic spectroscopy

木村 貴海; J.G.Serrano*; 中山 真一; 高橋 和夫*; 武石 秀世

Radiochimica Acta, 58-59, p.173 - 178, 1992/00

沈殿、吸着などの微量アクチノイドの自然環境中での化学挙動を研究するためには、溶液および固体中での化学種の存在状態分析が必要である。そのため、光音響分光法を用いた状態分析法の開発を進めている。水溶液中の微量溶存種の分析のためのフーリエ変換レーザー誘起光音響分光法(FT-LPAS)、沈殿・吸着種の酸化状態および化学形分析のための紫外・可視近赤外光音響分光法(UV-VIS-NIR PAS)およびフーリエ変換赤外光音響分光法(FT-IRPAS)を、NaHCO$$_{3}$$/NaClO$$_{4}$$)溶液中およびこれらの溶液から生成した沈殿中のウランの状態分析に適用した結果を報告する。


Applications of photoacoustic spectroscopy to speciation of lanthanide elements in aqueous solutions and of solid phase

中山 真一; 木村 貴海

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 28(8), p.780 - 783, 1991/08



Development of photoacoustic spectroscopy for speciation of actinide elements in aqueous solution and in solid phase

木村 貴海; 中山 真一

3rd Int. Symp. on Advanced Nuclear Energy Research; Global Environment and Nuclear Energy, 6 Pages, 1991/00

溶液および固体中でのアクチニド元素の化学種の分析のために、光音響分光法を用いた状態分析法の開発を進めている。今回はレーザー誘起光音響分光法(LPAS)、紫外可視・近赤外光音響分光法(UV-VIS-NIR PAS)、およびフリーエ変換赤外光音響分光法(FT-IR PAS)を、水溶液中および水溶液から生成した沈殿中のU(IV)、U(VI)の分析に適用した結果を報告する。


Evaluation of sorption behavior of selenide onto montmorillonite

杉浦 佑樹; 戸村 努*; 土井 玲祐; 石寺 孝充; 舘 幸男

no journal, , 

We carried out batch sorption and XAFS experiments in various solution conditions identifying the aqueous species to evaluate the sorption behavior of Se(-II) onto montmorillonite. The ${it K$_{d}$}$ values were independent of ionic strength. The ${it K$_{d}$}$ values were nearly constant between pH 8-11, while the value decreased around pH 12. The aqueous species of Se(-II) were stable in 7d, and hydroselenide (HSe$$^{-}$$) was the dominant species at pH 8; whereas, polyselenide (Se$$_{3}$$$$^{2-}$$, Se$$_{4}$$$$^{2-}$$) increased with the increase of pH. These behavior implies that Se(-II) sorption onto the edge site of montmorillonite by complexation is not a dominant sorption mechanism. The XANES spectra indicate that Se in the collected solid phase exists as Se(0). These results suggest that the ${it K$_{d}$}$ values were independence of ionic strength and pH due to the oxidation and precipitation of Se by contacting montmorillonite in this work.

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